Top Tips Tuesday!

My ten step at home facial

Tried and tested facial using YOUR favourite products.

Thought I’d share my home facial routine: I have tried this routine with various, different products, over time, and it’s the steps themselves that I have found to be most important. I have, however, listed the products I am using right now as a guide, but the idea here is that YOU use your favourites. Skin care shouldn’t be over complicated, nor should it cost you a mountain of money either. Facials at salons can cost you a pretty penny, but this easy to follow 10 step facial can be boujee or budget, depending on your product choices AND, if like me, you have a collection of samples and minis this is a great way to use them up. Having done my Ten Step Facial regularly for a while now I know it works for me and I want to share it. So, set aside some YOU time, read my Tuesday Top Tip Facial, then give it go and achieve a glow! If you have any top facials tips, please drop them in the comments and feel free to share my Top Tip Tuesday Facial Routine with your friends – everyone wants, and deserves, radiant looking skin.

Enjoy and RELAX, your skin will thank you!ā˜ŗ

  • Step One: Cleanse your face, neck and decolatage with your favourite foaming cleanser, rinse and pat dry. This will help to purify and clean your skin. (I’m currently using Sukin Signature Facial Cleanser)
  • Step Two: Do the Detox – Use a GENTLE facial scrub to lift impurities, brighten and improve the skin’s texture. I take this onto the neck area too and leave it on the skin for a few minutes before either rinsing off with warm water or removing with a damp, warm face cloth. Pat the skin dry afterwards. (My current fave is the Sukin Detoxifying Facial Scrub)
  • Step Three: And relax … warm a few drops of your favourite facial cleansing oil in your hands and apply to face and neck area, gently massage into the skin, in upward and outward motions, using either your finger tips or an electric facial/pore cleanser. Massage for a good two or three minutes, then leave the oil on your face for another two/three minutes, before rinsing off or removing with a clean, warm and damp face cloth. Pat the skin dry. (I’m currently using True Skincare Safflower and Geranium Cleansing Oil with Vitamin E)
  • Step Four: (This step is optional, and if you do follow this step, please be careful and only include it in your facial once or twice a month. The rest of these steps I do weekly). Time for a close shave, or dermaplane, using an eyebrow shaping razor. This removes all that peach fuzz & dead skin from your face, I also find it rejuvenates AND allows your skincare products to really get to the layers of your skin where it can do more good. I have been dermaplaning for a while now and really notice the difference in texture, softness and absorption of products.
  • Step 5: Gently sweep a cotton pad, soaked in a mild, alcohol free and preferably hydrating toner, to prepare the skin for the next step in my facial. Allow this to ‘dry’/absorb before moving onto the next step – remember this is YOUR time to chill, dont rush. (Any GENTLE toner will suffice, I’m currently using Sukin Hydrating Toner Mist)
  • Step 6: Apply either a sheet, cream or clay mask, pop some cucumber (or an eye mask) on the eyes to give that area a treat too, and relax, leaving your chosen mask on for as long as is recommended. The ‘trick’ here is to select a mask for YOUR skin’s needs! If you use a sheet mask squeeze any excess serum from it, smooth this over the face and neck and allow to absorb before moving onto the next step. If you are using a cream or clay mask, remove according to the directions on the product. (My mask of choice right now is the Sukin Pink Clay Masque)
  • Step 7: Apply an aftermask serum to the face to feed, protect and nourish the skin. If you haven’t got a purpose after-mask serum, use your favourite serum instead. Again give the serum time to absorb before moving onto the next step. (I just love Mudmasky Aftermask Vitamin Serum, it has oodles of the right vitamins to feed your post mask skin and is ph-balanced too – this is my Holy Grail facial product!)
  • Step 8: Moisturise! This step’s choice of products will depend upon the time of day you do my facial. If you do this during the day use your favourite day time moisturiser (so mine would be Sukin Facial Moisturiser at the moment). If you follow my facial before bedtime (which is what I tend to do) then apply your usual night cream. (I am currently testing Poundland’s #6 Anti-aging Night Cream which cost just Ā£1. Told you this could be boujee or budget!) In either case allow the product to soak into the skin before going on to the next step.
  • Step 9: Apply your favourite eye cream to the eye area by using your ring finger to gently pat the product into this delicate area. I apply mine on the lid, under the eye and just above the eyebrow too – ie the whole orbital bone area. (Currently I am using balanceme Wonder Eye Cream)
  • Step 10. Again your choice of product here will depend on the time of day. For daytime apply a couple of drops of your favourite ‘dry oil’ for extra hydration or, if you are going to bed use a sleep oil. (As it is currently getting colder here in the UK and my skin has a tendency to be quite ‘thirsty’ at this time of year, I use the same oil for both AM and PM as my finishing step and at the moment that’s Beauty Pie’s Super Healthy Skin Sleep Oil. I use two drops for day time and 4 drops in the evening).
Boujee or Budget – that choice is YOURS!

And there you have it. An easy to follow home facial, that utilises YOUR choice of products. If you follow my Ten Step Facial regularly (Don’t over do the dermaplaning though) I am convinced you will notice the difference, just like I have. All the products I am using right now and have listed above are being tested throughout November for my next Shopped My Stash – Skin Care blog which will be uploaded in December. You can check out my Skin Care S.M.S for October here. Thanks for reading, please subscribe for more Entirely Beauty blogs, look me up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkdin (simply search for entirely beauty), for more content and check out my boards on Pintrest too.

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Published by entirelybeauty

Beauty blogs, reviews and other beauty related content from a self-confessed beauty product addict!

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